4 Initiatives Against Climate Change in LATAM Driven by IDB LAB

4 Initiatives Against Climate Change in LATAM Driven by IDB LAB

As global leaders convene at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York for the Climate Ambition Summit at IDB Lab, there is a resounding commitment to combat climate change throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Pioneering initiatives are being launched to drive transformative change in these regions, leveraging the unique position within the Inter-American Development Bank Group to forge new pathways for sustainable progress.

In this article we will explore more about these initiatives:


One groundbreaking initiative, known as ClimaAccelerator, is a partnership between EIT Climate-KIC and IDB Lab. Together with the Clean Technology Fund, they are advancing climate innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean. This partnership supports innovation agencies, incubators, accelerators, and more across twelve countries. From June 2023 to May 2025, they aim to set a pathway towards inclusive, sustainable growth aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

EIT Climate-KIC, a Knowledge and Innovation Community, is dedicated to accelerating the transition to a zero-carbon, climate-resilient society. They convene networks of expertise to drive innovation for systemic change.

AI for Climate Resilience in Rural Areas

Another remarkable endeavor is the "AI for Climate Resilience in Rural Areas" Innovation Challenge, a Moonshots for Development initiative powered by IFAD, CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform, Asian Development Bank (ADB), IDB Lab, World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator, and World Bank Technology & Innovation Lab. This challenge recognizes the critical role AI can play in addressing climate challenges faced by vulnerable communities in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and beyond.

AI has the potential to empower communities by deciphering climate patterns, helping preempt risks, and optimizing resource use through precision agriculture.

Catalytic Green Fund

Through a partnership with Latimpacto, the Catalytic Green Fund aims to support socially and environmentally impactful solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. With an initial contribution of $3.8 million and expected contributions from private and strategic partners, this alliance aims to reduce or avoid approximately 6.2 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions in its fifth year. It also supports hundreds of entrepreneurs and startups involved in decarbonization solutions.

This partnership focuses on efficient land and forest management, contributing to emissions reduction and promoting the sustainable use of land.

Amazonia BioBuilders

The Amazonia BioBuilders initiative, launched by the Inter-American Development Bank (BID), recognizes the Amazon rainforest's critical role as a carbon sink. This program seeks to address ecological concerns while promoting socio-economic development in the region. BioBusinesses, operating within the framework of the bioeconomy, can contribute to mitigating climate change by reducing deforestation and implementing sustainable production models.

This alliance, including BID Lab and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), aims to support innovative bio-businesses, improve the resilience of value chains and ecosystems in the Amazon region, and promote social and economic inclusion.

These pioneering initiatives demonstrate an unwavering commitment to combat climate change, drive innovation, and improve the resilience of communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. By fostering climate innovation, harnessing the power of AI, supporting impactful solutions, and promoting sustainable bioeconomies, we are charting a course towards a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient future.