These are the countries with the best job skills development in Latam

These are the countries with the best job skills development in Latam

In a world driven by technology and data, talent with advanced skills becomes an invaluable asset. The Global Skills Report 2023, based on Coursera data, has revealed that Latin America is emerging as a leader in skills critical to the labor market. These findings reflect not only the region’s economic potential, but also its ability to address global challenges.

The report highlights the correlation between a strong mastery of skills and economic progress, emphasizing its influence on human capital and innovation. European and Asian countries excel in these areas, which significantly fuels their economies. This underscores that skills play a crucial role in economic progress.

Internet access is identified as a key factor in skills development and economic opportunities. High-income countries tend to invest more in building human skills. In addition, it is observed that students with postgraduate education are the most likely to invest in AI-related skills. This underlines the importance of education and technology in acquiring advanced skills.

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Latin America Highlights in Technology and Data Science

Within Latin America, the report reveals that students in the region lead in technology (75%) and data science (69%), with the highest regional averages in these fields. Countries such as Mexico (97%), Colombia (95%), Argentina (93%), Chile (89%), Brazil (87%) and Peru (81%) excel in technological skills. In the field of data science, Brazil (99%), Argentina (96%), Mexico (90%), Peru (86%) and Bolivia (80%) stand out.

Comparing Latin American students with their international counterparts, they are more inclined to invest in data science, technology, and business skills. For example, Latin American students show a strong interest in data analysis software, programming principles, computer programming tools, software architecture, negotiation, and business culture.

Colombia: Leader in Technological Skills

In the region, Colombia occupies the most prominent position in 19th place. The country demonstrates a strong mastery of technological skills, although its biggest area of improvement is in the business field. The report suggests that Colombian leaders can leverage students' interest in leadership skills and professional certifications to close this gap.

Mexico: Growth in Professional Certifications

Mexico ranks 25th in the region, and there has been significant growth in the enrolment of professional certifications. This reinforces the importance of investing in business skills, especially communication and accounting.

Brazil: Leadership in Data Science

Brazil ranks 28th and stands out for its dominance in data science, technology and high growth in professional certification enrollments. The report suggests that the country can do even better by focusing on entrepreneurial skills and leadership.

Global Skills Report 2023 highlights the importance of advanced skills in economic growth and development. Latin America, despite the challenges, shows significant potential in key areas such as technology and data science. This underlines the need for continued investment in education and skills development to fully exploit the region's potential in the global labor market.