Women at the forefront of innovation in Latam

Women at the forefront of innovation in Latam

The Latin American business world is witnessing a constantly growing phenomenon: the increasingly prominent presence and leadership of women in various sectors. Although historically this field was dominated by male figures due to prejudice and lack of exposure, a trend is emerging in the region, in which women entrepreneurs are breaking down barriers and making their mark in the business ecosystem.

Empowering Women in Executive Roles: Closing the Gender Gap

According to a recent study by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the female entrepreneurial spirit is gaining ground globally and, in the Latin American context, women feel increasingly inspired to assume leadership roles in companies.

The task of leading teams is not something that everyone is willing to take on. This is where the presence of women in executive positions shows that the gender gap in the sector is being addressed. According to a UN Women report, companies with three or more women in executive roles tend to have higher performance in organizational effectiveness.

Here is a list of women who are a role model:

Loreanne García Ottati, co-founder and CPO of Kavak

Originally from Venezuela, Loreanne was a fundamental part in the creation of Kavak, the successful platform for buying and selling pre-owned vehicles in Mexico. The company, listed as the second most valuable unicorn in the region, has shown that female leadership is essential in the growth of innovative startups.

Loreanne García Ottati

Mariana Costa, founder and CEO of Laboratoria

Mariana, a Peruvian entrepreneur, is helping to diversify the digital economy through her organization. Laboratoria provides a six-month program in technical and life skills for women interested in entering the world of technology. In addition, her new program, Laboratoria+, continues to empower women in STEM fields.

Mariana Costa

Laura I. Gómez, founder of Atípica

Is a product leader who stands out for her advocacy for mental health. With a track record in the tech industry, Laura is recognized for securing the largest round of seed funding for a Latina female founder in Silicon Valley. Her commitment to anti-racism and mental health shows that her influence goes beyond the professional.

Laura I. Gómez

Connie Ansaldi, founder and CEO of CUX

Has created a community that provides on-demand mental health support using artificial intelligence. Her leadership also extends to supporting more than 70 Argentine startups, demonstrating how women entrepreneurs are driving innovation.

Connie Ansaldi

Lauren Cascio, co-founder of Gulp Data

Is at the forefront of technology investments in Puerto Rico. Her knowledge and experience are guiding new entrepreneurs in the world of startups. Gulp Data, for its part, uses machine learning technology to assess the value of data and offer loans to small and medium-sized businesses.

Lauren Cascio

Amparo Paredes, Director of Marketing at StartupChile

Is promoting local and international startups in Chile. Her contribution to the business acceleration program shows how female leadership is boosting the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Amparo Paredes

Yuliana Gil Gallón, leader of Global Shapers in Medellín

Demonstrates how teamwork and empathy are essential to lead transformative initiatives. Her experience in interdisciplinary collaboration is enriching her role in executing ideas.

Yuliana Gil Gallón

María Montoya, co-founder and CEO of Tech Life Saving

Excels in the field of biotechnology, creating solutions for wildlife challenges. Her leadership in investments in emerging sectors makes her a benchmark in the business and technological field.

María Montoya

Paula Ceballos, co-founder and CCO of Wayru

Has joined with other leaders to democratize Internet access through a decentralized network based on blockchain.

Paula Ceballos

Clara Bullrich, co-founder of TheVentureCity

Is making a difference in the world of finance and entrepreneurship. Her commitment to mentoring and the development of new projects make her a role model for women in executive positions.

Clara Bullrich

These women entrepreneurs are leaving an indelible mark on the Latin American business world. Her determination, leadership and vision are forging a promising future for the new generations of entrepreneurs and demonstrating that female talent is an essential pillar in building a solid and diverse business ecosystem.